Quality Improvement Services
Many electronic, industrial and mechanical designers overlook details that are critical to a product’s quality during the initial design phase. When design and manufacturing are not taken into account at the beginning of the design phase, mistakes are often designed into a product. This can lengthen the time to market, reduce quality and customer satisfaction, and increase operating costs through in-warranty failure, out-of-box returns, systemic failures, and even product recalls.
Inherently, quality is not the result of the manufacturing process. It is the detailed up front design work and manufacturing input that feed into your design and specifications. By spending the time reviewing critical-to-quality issues up front the cost of non-conformance is significantly reduced. This collective approach to design also results in substantial unit cost savings.
At BCTINT Limited, our experience draws upon specific instances and case studies to help identify the critical-to-quality details during the design phase thus expediting the client’s time to market while minimizing operating costs. By contracting with us you will ensure a better, lower-cost product.
We’ll Fix It in Revision 2 is “Not Good Enough”
With today’s knowledge bases, processes and standards, there is little reason to NOT design for quality from the outset. Lack of quality will only guarantee two things; a loss of clients, and a loss of profits.
Make it Right the First Time
BCTINT demonstrates its commitment to quality through regular internal audits of its own processes and manufacturing facilities. Some of the components that make up BCTINT Limited’s quality system include:
- Use of ISO 9001 Factories
- First piece inspection parts and reports
- IPC standards
- Pre shipment audits, based on released part specification
- Specification Control Documents for every part, fixture, test procedure and specific critical to quality details.
- Documentation and Revision control
- Internal and Supplier Corrective Actions
- Non Conforming Material handling processes